Friday, August 17, 2012


Oh Capcom. You people are adorable in how you just keep trying. You try and try and try again, and for some reason people keep flocking back to you. It's kind of interesting if you ask me...  that people will continue to bash you, boycott you, rant about you.... and then you release another Street Fighter add-on that outsells the previous Street Fighter add-on. You KNOW this happens, you KNOW it pisses us off, yet you clearly do not care. It kind of puts a unique perspective on things because for so long were we under this impression that the consumer is your biggest concern*, like when we walk into Walmart, Target, Costco... and you want to return something that's outside the return date, you KNOW that if you complain hard enough, they will still take that return BECAUSE they want you to be happy so you'll continue to shop for them. We assume that a game developer will be the same way; we are the ones buying your game.

Not Capcom though. Capcom takes it a step forward, they deliberately do things in bad business just to make money. Of course they're TRYING to make money, I'm not saying they aren't. Afterall, Capcom is a business first and a..... friend... next? However all of this is pretty common sense now. This is all pretty much common knowledge that any person who knows something will tell you...  So where exactly am I going with this?

Well recently there was a survey for the worst Company in the world and I would like to put out there that, I believe the real candidate for this would either have to be: Capcom or Square Enix. Well, I suppose if this was just in the gaming world, I mean. And I'll get into Square Enix another time... this is devoted to Capcom. And I don't want this to be just a big long rant about how much I hate Capcom; I actually don't hate them... I just want to humor myself with how low this company has become.

Devil May Cry pretty much is a series I never really got into. The first game was kind of a big thing with how awesome the combat was, how cool Dante was, and how stylish everything was. It was a very unique game and it was a big thing. Capcom did something right for something that originally was nothing more than just a mistake considering it began was Resident Evil 4. And to me this game remains a classic and easily the best in the series. But one thing you need to understand about Devil May Cry is it's an arcade like fighter; it's story is paper thin, it's development is next-to-nothing, and it's pretty much just a show-off game. It has nothing to offer in terms of story... hell, if we were to take Devil May Cry 3 with the Vergil relationship to Dante, and then move onto Devil May Cry 1, you'd think the hidden potentional there for something real was completely missed as Neo Angelo** ( I think that was his name ) is just a mutated Vergil and you fight him like he's just some random enemy. There could have been something much bigger here.

But besides all that, they of course had to continue the story on.... so they made DMC2, 3 and eventually 4.

What I find funny about these games are just how.... poor the focus is. The second game literally shat all over everything the first had, so they decided on a prequel. Which is funny because to have a prequel just means that Capcom is fully aware that DMC had no where to go, so let's give him a deep backstory! And yeah... it kind of worked, but it was still not enough to make him interesting.... so they decided to give the game a new lead: Nero.

Now my point with this game actually has two sides: Capcom did a very good idea and at the same time did not. Letting Ninja Theory take care of their series pretty much gave Dante a fresh new start, giving him an actual personality and character to develop as right now he was just a cardboard cut-out. To start these new games with the same Dante would draw confusion thinking it's the same reality; it wouldn't work. However the fan reaction has been across the board negative. Even the original Devil May Cry producer hated the idea. And yet... Capcom doesn't care, they continue on. But this is small if you ask me.

Can anyone tell me if this series still exists? I mean really, I can see why people think they're trying to kill off Megaman because.... so far all he's done lately is get cancelled and appear in other games ( even as a mockery ). Just the way Capcom is handling this guy amazes me. I UNDERSTAND that the idea of MML3 on the 3DS is absolutely stupid; the handheld pretty much bombed and there's little potential to make their money back but clearly there IS demand for this game. I honestly do think the 100k petition was stupid since it was a Facebook petition, however it filled pretty quickly and still grows and I've heard plenty of people who wanted this game to come... Capcom there are other methods out there for your game.

But you don't care.

Street Fighter is pretty much what makes Capcom tick however. Within the last 5 years Capcom has made SF4 and Super SF4, SFxT, MvC3, UMvC3. And whats funny with all these games are they all do exactly what pisses us off: DLC on the disc, paid extra characters, and rerelease of the same exact game you purchased 60 dollars for with a few extra add-ons rendering your purchase completely inane. To me as a player, I am scared to purchase a fighter of theirs.... I was pretty big into MvC3 and now it's useless to me because no one is online because of UMvC3. SF4? Probably empty. Does Capcom care? Nah, because us fans just buy the next game... and with EVO out there with SF and MvC being the biggest things there, of course we're going to keep buying them. It's been around for so long, that it's imbedded into us and the community. And what gets me is... CAPCOM KNOWS THIS.

I guess if I had to tl;dr this entire thing it would be:

Capcom knows you want their games. Capcom knows they can abuse you and your wallet. Capcom doesn't care else they would address this.... But they are still doing exactly what we hate.

*You know, cause without them they kinda wouldn't exist.

** Pardon me if I am inaccurate with this... it's been a long time.

1 comment:

Locke Trufeld said...

Yeah, it's because of Square Enix that I have the habit of waiting a long time before picking up a game. Been screwed with International, Director's Cut, and Final Mix versions of too many games. Capcom's fighters are another thing that I hesitate to buy because of the fear of it becoming outdated in less than a year. It's gotten me being too hesitant about buying things in general, in fact...